ABOUT Propaneandoiltrainig.com (formerly EnergyEventsCalendar.com)
ABOUT Propaneandoiltrainig.com (formerly EnergyEventsCalendar.com)
Revised 3/9/23 - April 1, 2022 (first release May 15 2021)
​Propane and Oil Training
​This site was created in May 2021 for the purpose of providing one place for Energy Events. however in June 2021 we partnered with propane industry educator, consultant, and trainer Mike Digiorgio of SilverbackConsultingLLC.com. Since then, the online, interactive, instructor-led, live training has really taken off and in March 2022 the site was rebranded at propaneandoiltraining.com. Since June of 2021 we have trained thousands of propane industry members on CETP, CETP Skill Assessment Completion, Propane Cylinder Requalification, Hazardous Materials required Initial and Recurrent training, and more. You can see past, present, and future classes at the "store:, the link for which can be seen here..
Store - Propane Classes & Products | Propaneandoiltraining.com
​Energy Events
Fellow Fuel Industry Event Organizers, Fuel Retailers and Vendors to the Industry:
​For years I have been frustrated with the challenge of keeping track of fuel-related events across the country. In the past:
- as an event planner for associations I wanted to avoid booking my event over that of others.
- as an attendee, i could not plan to attend a meeting I did not know about, and
- as a vendor, I needed to know what conference or trade shows were important to me so i could plan my participation.
This form and resulting spreadsheet (a.k.a "the project") is an effort to get fuel-related events info in to one place with a minimum of effort.
​The data submitted by this form may be seen by anyone at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/159SloacpbFqOhdLgMwhR8Nr7kPLq0SAwTp4P9InZAUg/edit?usp=sharing
-anyone can add the basic details of an pending event
-the submission is immediately pushed to a spreadsheet that anyone can view. No login, no password.
-if you submit an event and make a mistake in the details, you can edit the submission
-if you choose, you can import some or all of the events in to your Google or Microsoft of other calendars
-To submit more than one event, please use this form as many times as you need to.
- If you know of any event and do not yet see it on the sheet, you can add it yourself.
Use this form to provide the basics of your coming fuel or fuel-related event, conference or other industry meetings, be they in-person, virtual, or both.
II you are an event organizer, sharing your information will help others from booking over the top of your event, and using this data will allow you from booking over someone else's event
If you are a vendor, this list will provide a simple way to see what is coming up in your world
if you are an attendee, the events submitted by others will give you a clear understanding of the events on the calendar so you can plan your participation.
Your submissions will be part of an open, published list of industry events available to anyone looking for events in the fuel space. The spreadsheet that contains all of the form submissions for events will be open and available to ANYONE that wants to view it, Free of Charge.
Again, there is no charge for this service. Submissions of an event should only take a minute or two of your time and allow organizations, meeting planners, vendors, fuel retailers and anyone that has an interest to see what events are in the works in the months ahead
If you submit an event to this page, you will be added to the notification list of changes to the sheet. As of May 15 2021 I am still working on the method for how, when and if to provide updates as the data change. suggestions welcome.
Created May 2021. Contact shane.sweet@shaneweetLLC.org if needed. 802-558-6101 cell-text
Shane Sweet LLC
802-558-6101 cell & text